Parkinson’s disease exercise classes – PD Fighters

Research is showing that exercise can improve function and positively affect the brain’s neuroplasticity. Join our PD specific exercise classes.

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, estimated to affect approximately 10 million people worldwide and more than 130,000 Australians.

While there is no cure, the research is continuing to confirm that exercise decreases the symptoms of PD and improves your function.

Parkinson’s disease is commonly characterised by symptoms that include tremors, muscular stiffness, speech difficulties and loss of balance, but, like many diseases, Parkinson’s can present itself differently in each person.

Research studies, including the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project — the largest clinical study of Parkinson’s including more than 13,000 participants in five countries — have revealed…

"That people with PD who start exercising earlier in their disease course for a minimum of 2.5 hours per week experience a slowed decline in quality of life compared to those who start later."

“Those who exercise experience a better quality of life and decreased symptoms such as loss of balance, mobility difficulties, depression and thinking skills, compared to those who do not.”

More reasons to exercise

The research evidence keeps coming:- Aerobic exercises make positive changes in the brain of people with Parkinson’ s disease. It helps to rewire the brain and be neuro-protective. The latest guidelines by the USA Parkinson’s Foundation and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) to provide effective and safe guidelines about physical activity for people with Parkinson’s disease for certified exercise professionals is:-.

That aerobic exercise should be done three days per week for at least 30 minutes per session of continuous or intermittent aerobic exercise at moderate-to-vigorous intensity. This could include rhythmic activities such as fast-walking, running, cycling, swimming, or aerobics class. Supervision may be required due to safety concerns such as the risk of freezing gait, blunted heart rate, or low blood pressure.

Researchers Johansson, M, Cameron et al got more technical studying brain changes with exercise. They found that Aerobic exercise, but not stretching, led to increased functional connectivity of the anterior putamen with the sensorimotor cortex relative to the posterior putamen. Behaviourally, aerobic exercise also improved cognitive control. Furthermore, aerobic exercise increased functional connectivity in the right frontoparietal network, proportionally to fitness improvements, and it reduced global brain atrophy.

Johansson, M, Cameron, Aerobic Exercise Alters Brain Function and Structure in Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ANN NEUROL 2022;91:203-216.

To manage Parkinson’s disease

  • Work with your GP and neurologist for drug management of management of PD.
  • Establishing early exercise habits is essential to overall disease management.

Our exercise classes include aerobic exercise, include big dynamic movements, are gently challenging balance and co-ordination with multi-directional stepping, weight-shifting, balance activities, & large movements and are closely supervised.

To help manage the symptoms of PD, your exercise program should include these key components:

  1. Aerobic Activity
  2. Strength Training
  3. Balance, Agility & Multitasking
  4. Flexibility

Our health care practitioners at Agility are guided by evidence-based practise. This is why we include the guidelines posed by the Parkinson’s Foundation. Our classes include specific exercises designed to maximise neuroplastic changes in the brain. This involves:

  • Amplitude training
  • Dual tasking
  • Strength training
  • Stepping and balancing drills
  • Dancing
  • Effortful, powerful & challenging exercises in a fun and motivating environment

We have a range of classes for PD that include:

  • PD fighters classes
  • Small gym / weights classes and one on ones
  • Pilates one on ones
  • Hydrotherapy- exercise hard without the falls risk , also great for stiffness

For early onset PD we are NDIS providers

We are happy to assess you and submit a plan to NDIS for your exercise needs. We can also assist with mobility aids and small home alterations.

If you are under 65 have a firm diagnosis of PD and not already on NDIS we can assist you with your application to the NDIS.

PD Fighters – Our programs for Managing Parkinson’s Disease

Living the Best Life with Parkinson’s Disease by including Exercise

If you or a family member have Parkinson’s Disease, they probably are not sure where to start with exercise. Ask them to call us and book in to see one of our physios or exercise physiologists for a short discussion about their condition and symptoms and advice about what we can offer.

We are offering a 30 minute consultation for free to get them started on their exercise journey.
Contact us for more info >>

We are a registered NDIS provider. If clients are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease before the age of 65 they are eligible to apply for NDIS status to receive payments for exercise therapy, assistive equipment, home modification like rails when they require these, support workers as they become less mobile and unable to drive. We can assist clients with their NDIS application. Our exercise therapy services are fully covered by NDIS. My Aged Care may cover some class costs. There is some coverage for GPMP.



188 Nudgee Road Ascot QLD 4007
Phone: (07) 3862 2322

130a Quay Street Bulimba QLD 4171
Phone: (07) 3399 2244